Monday, May 19, 2008

Top 5 Health Tips for Good Health

This came in my news letter from Gil. Gil's Health Tips. Very useful info. Enjoy!

Health Tips Top 5 for Good Health

1. Keep your Liver happy

This organ does many complex things in our body from digestion through to breaking down chemicals. Like the filter in a swimming pool, it plays a major role in clearing out the rubbish in our body.

TIP:* the juice of half a lemon in warm water when you get up in the morning is a naturopathic favourite to ‘kick start the liver’ for the day.* moderate any intake of drugs, alcohol, caffeine, fats and unnecessary pharmaceuticals.

2. Stay hydrated

Keep aiming for 1.5 –2.5 litres of positive fluid a day. More if you are exercising, have diarrhea, breast feeding. in hot weather or airconditioning.

TIP* Caffeine is a diuretic, pulling precious water out of your body. It can also interfere with the absorption/utilisation of many nutrients including calcium, iron, protein and water soluble vitamins. If you have to have it, ingest caffeinated drinks and foods at least 2 hours before or after meals and supplements.

3. Fruit and Veg

Load up your plate with at least 5-7 different vegetables and 2 fruits a day.

TIP• You can eat veges at any time not just at dinner time!

4. Exercise20-60 minutes a day, everyday for pure maintenance. For weight loss up have to up both time and intensity.

TIP• Exercise keeps your circulatory system happy, offering some prevention for heart disease and lowering unhealthy cholesterol levels

5. Stay connected

Feed your mind and soul, a happy mind creates a healthy body.

TIP* Being connected to a like minded community, regularly debriefing with family and friends, and laughter have been shown to increase quality and quantity of life in those with life challenging illnesses.

Don’t wait to get sick to start!

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